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Encapsulation in Dart Programming Language:

August 12, 2023 admin 0

Chapter 1: Introduction to Encapsulation Imagine you have a magical box. This box can only be opened using specific buttons on its surface. Inside the box, there’s a complex mechanism that you don’t need to understand to use the box effectively. Encapsulation in programming is quite similar. It’s a concept that allows you to hide the intricate details of how something works while providing a […]

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What are Inheritance in dart programing language

August 12, 2023 admin 0

Chapter 1: Introduction to Inheritance Inheritance is a fundamental concept in programming that allows you to create new classes based on existing ones. Think of it as passing down traits from parents to children. In the world of coding, this means creating a new class (child class or subclass) that inherits attributes and behaviors from an existing class (parent class or superclass). In Dart programming […]

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Constructors in Dart Programming Language: A Comprehensive Explanation

August 12, 2023 admin 0

Chapter 1: Introduction to Constructors Constructors play a vital role in Dart programming language. Imagine you’re building a house. Before you can live in it, you need to construct it, right? Similarly, in Dart, constructors are like builders that create objects from classes. They’re special methods that get called when you create a new instance (object) of a class. Constructors set up the initial state […]

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What is the role of oops in dart programing language

August 12, 2023 admin 0

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that focuses on organizing code by modeling real-world concepts as objects. Dart fully supports OOP principles, making it an effective language for creating structured and modular applications. Let’s explore the key OOP concepts in Dart: 1. Classes and Objects: In Dart, a class is a blueprint or template that defines the structure and behavior of an object. An […]

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What is Dart Programming Language: A Comprehensive Overview

August 12, 2023 admin 0

Introduction to Dart: Dart is a versatile and modern programming language designed to make building applications easier and more efficient. It was developed by Google with the aim of creating a language that’s both approachable for developers and effective for creating a wide range of applications. Dart is particularly popular for web development and mobile app development, especially when used in combination with the Flutter […]